I’m Ready Company Name * Primary Contact Name * First Name Last Name Email * Location * Website * http:// Years in Business * Number of Employees * Select 1-5 5-15 15-50 50-200 200+ Is your technology commercial ready and being marketed / sold? * Select Yes No We are almost there Describe your technology readiness level. * Have you applied for DoD funding, government grants or defense contracts? * Select No Yes What's you primary industry? * Who do you sell to? * Tell us about your tech * Do any of your team members identify with one of the following racial/ethnic groups? * Black Hispanic Asian Native American Pacific Islander Other No Response How many women are on your team? * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Do any of your members consider themselves a person with a disability? * Yes No No Response If accepted into SBIR Ready, will you work towards an SBIR submission within 6 months of completion? * Yes No Are you actively considering an upcoming SBIR/STTR deadline? * If so, please name agency and proposed agency deadline Have you previously applied for SBIR/STTR funding? * If so, please tell us when and describe the results Describe your commitment to submitting a DoD SBIR in 6 months. * The SBIR Ready process requires commitment of the team members – including coaching sessions, pre-work prior to team meetings, drafting key proposal documents, and meetings with multiple potential customers between sessions. Describe your level of commitment to the process and how it will help advance your technology concept. Do you have OR do you need to have a research partner? * If yes, please briefly explain. Do you have an existing DoD customer in mind? * If yes, please briefly explain. Are you already registered to receive DoD funding? * Yes No Thank you!